Frosty Farm


We have had such a warm start to winter here in Iowa, it's basically been a long long fall. Which has been nice and kind of a relief as we are nervous for tiny house living and what that entails during a rough and cold winter. Even though we have enjoyed the warmth and greenery, I was longing for a white Christmas and was certain it was not going to happen. Then we woke up on Christmas Eve day to the perfect big-flake snowfall and a couple of inches covering the ground. It was gorgeous! 

This was our first Christmas season that we stayed in one state and celebrated just the two of us. It was relaxing and enjoyable to be together and cozy. We had fun brainstorming ideas of how to spend the holiday and what traditions we wanted to make our own.

Since we didn't have any room for a real Christmas tree, I made one out of felt and hung it on our curtains. We made a special meal of roasted chicken, potatoes, green beans, and pears, and had a garlic cheese fondue to dip it all in. Jordan surprised me by buying ingredients to make one of my favorite dessert/snack traditions--pretzels, m&ms, and Hershey's hugs.

Christmas morning was frosty and cold. After a big breakfast and opening our stockings we went for a walk on the farm, said hello to some of the animals, and enjoyed one of the first true quiet winter mornings we've had. It was a beautiful holiday and we were so lucky and grateful to be together, in our own home.