Posts tagged MINIMALIST
The Joy of Less

If you've visited this blog in the past few weeks, you might have noticed that I created a new page titled TIny House Tour. I finally had professional photos taken of our tiny house and posted them so you all could see the glory that is Lil Blue! Most of the photos I've taken on my phone don't do it justice. It's hard to take a good picture in such a small space without a good lens. I haven't posted many photos of our bathroom because it's the hardest area to try and photograph, but now you can all enjoy a full tour of the entire (tiny) space!

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Chalkboard Freezer Tutorial

 just finished a project I've been wanting to do for a long time and it wasn't hard at all! Originally, we painted a chalkboard on our bathroom sliding door when we moved in to Lil Blue. I loved the idea of having a chalkboard. I wanted to write out our weekly meal plan on it, or write notes and grocery lists, or just have fun with drawings and designs. But shortly after we moved in we realized we had no other spot in the whole house to hang our mirror other than on that door....covering up the chalkboard. 

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Friday Inspiration

It's already Friday again! This has been a busy week leading up to an even busier next week! We had a bit of an emergency bathroom situation today in Lil Blue. It will create a project for us to work on this weekend--you can look for that post next week. But for today's Friday Inspiration I thought I would share both a funny thing and a beautiful thing.

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Frosty Farm

We have had such a warm start to winter here in Iowa, it's basically been a long long fall. Which has been nice and kind of a relief as we are nervous for tiny house living and what that entails during a rough and cold winter. Even though we have enjoyed the warmth and greenery, I was longing for a white Christmas and was certain it was not going to happen. Then we woke up on Christmas Eve day to the perfect big-flake snowfall and a couple of inches covering the ground. It was gorgeous! 

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