Posts tagged PHOTOS
Frosty Farm

We have had such a warm start to winter here in Iowa, it's basically been a long long fall. Which has been nice and kind of a relief as we are nervous for tiny house living and what that entails during a rough and cold winter. Even though we have enjoyed the warmth and greenery, I was longing for a white Christmas and was certain it was not going to happen. Then we woke up on Christmas Eve day to the perfect big-flake snowfall and a couple of inches covering the ground. It was gorgeous! 

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Dreary Beautiful Day

Today is a dreary, gray, December day. It's been beautiful and unseasonably warm here all fall and winter so far. The fog never lifted today and it has felt cozy inside Lil Blue. The farm is still and quiet. I couldn't resist a walk with the hubs out into the pastures to see the animals. Some of the cats followed us around as we said hello to the chickens, were startled by the old-man-cough of a goat, watched the sheep bury their heads in hay, marveled at the always beautiful horses, and laughed at the huge boogers coming out of the cows' noses.

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